Register for EHRI Conference in Amsterdam: Foundations for the Future: Towards a Permanent EHRI Organisation
An event to celebrate the achievements of EHRI’s Preparatory Phase
23 May 2023 | Location: Het Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
On Tuesday 23 May 2023, the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) will hold an international event in Amsterdam to mark the end of its Preparatory Phase (EHRI-PP). This conference, “Foundations for the Future: Towards a Permanent EHRI Organisation”, will be dedicated to EHRI’s achievements towards becoming a permanent research infrastructure in the form of an ERIC in 2025, and to discuss the current state and future trends of Holocaust research and remembrance.
This conference is by invitation only, but some 20 seats are available for the general public. If you are interested to participate in the conference, you are invited to join. Attendance is free, but you have to register on this form.
After filling out the form, you will receive a standard confirmation. We will also send you a personal email with the programme and conference details. This email will confirm that your registration has been accepted. Travel and accommodation expenses are for your own cost.
For questions, please email Petra Drenth,
10:00 Registration
10:30 – 11:00 Welcome and Opening
- Martijn Eickhoff, Director NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Video welcome speeches by:
- Robbert Dijkgraaf, Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science
- Maarten van Ooijen, Dutch State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Spor
- Christian Ehler, Member of the European Parliament
- Marileen Dogterom, President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
11:00 – 11:45 Keynote Lecture: “Researching Holocaust History and Responding to Current Challenges.”
Edyta Gawron (Assistant Professor at the Institute of Jewish Studies/ Jagiellonian University, Poland; President of the Management Board of Galicia Jewish Heritage Institute Foundation; Chair EHRI Scientific Advisory Board)
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 – 13:00 Panel I: EHRI: From a Series of Projects to a Permanent Infrastructure
“What lessons have we learned from building EHRI since 2010 and how can we apply these lessons to the future?”
- Reto Speck (Co-Director EHRI, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies)
- “Building the foundations for a permanent organisation: the achievements of the EHRI Preparatory Phase project”
- Anna Ullrich (Leader of EHRI-PP WP6 “Research and Innovation Strategy”, Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History Munich)
- “Surveying, Engaging, Assessing: The Development of a Research Strategy for EHRI-ERIC”
- Michal Frankl (Leader of EHRI-PP WP4 “Sustainability”, PI ERC Consolidator Unlikely Refuge?, Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
- “Laboratory of Digital Research: EHRI Document Blog and Beyond”
Moderator: Karel Berkhoff (Co-Director EHRI, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies)
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Panel II: EHRI-ERIC and the Humanities Research Infrastructure (RI) Landscape
“Where does EHRI fit in the overall Humanities RI landscape and how can it enrich the current landscape?”
- Sally Chambers (Director DARIAH-ERIC)
- Franciska de Jong (Senior Advisor CLARIN-ERIC)
- Luca Pezzati (Coordinator IPERION HS)
Moderator: Tobias Blanke (Professor of Humanities and AI, University of Amsterdam)
15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 – 16:45 Panel III: EHRI-ERIC and the Future of Holocaust Remembrance
“What does it mean to have a permanent RI for Holocaust research and how can it add value to related initiatives?”
- Wesley Fisher (Director Research, Claims Conference)
- Pascale Falek (Policy Officer, Office EC Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life)
- Emile Schrijver (General Director Jewish Cultural Quarter Amsterdam, Chair of the Board of the Association of European Jewish Museums)
- Nanci Adler (Professor of Memory, History and Transitional Justice NIOD and University of Amsterdam, IHRA delegate)
Moderator: Haim Gertner (Director International Relations, Yad Vashem)
16:45 – 17:00 Closing Remarks
17:00 – 18:00 Reception