New Release of the Internet Warsaw Ghetto and ‘Aryan Side’ Database

EHRI partner the Polish Center for Holocaust Research in Warsaw, has relaunched the thoroughly improved Internet Database of the Warsaw Ghetto and ‘Aryan’ Side, supplemented with a few dozen thousand new records and an interactive map and an atlas of the ghetto. This website, which constitutes a homage to all nameless and unidentified Holocaust victims in Warsaw as well as survivors and helpers, is the effect of the work of a few dozen people, who carried out search queries in archives, entered and analyzed data, did cartographic and geolocation editing, created IT and graphic tools, etc.

The database has a new interface and significantly improved search tools and query filtering. With the use of cartographic tools it can present selected data on the map and place onto the contemporary street network historical layers from the ghetto and entire Warsaw in its prewar borders. Also newly added is the atlas of the ghetto, where users will find a set of 14 ghetto maps in high resolution, accompanied with Professor Jacek Leociak’s essay on the topography of the Warsaw closed quarter. And a new stage of work has already started that includes ordering and editing new sources, verifying the records already entered, allocating geolocations, translating records into English, aggregating data for social network analysis, etc.

The work on the database was possible owing to a research project carried out by Professor Barbara Engelking, Agnieszka Haska, and Jakub Petelewicz’s team at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences within the framework of the National Science Center’s grant no. 2016/21/B/HS3/00577 entitled Hiding in Warsaw on the ‘Aryan’ Side, 1940‒1945 and also owing to the support from the Foundation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.

Visit the database and historical plans