EHRI Blog | “We spend our lives living in darkness, in cold, and often in hunger” – Jewish Entreaties to Slovak President Jozef Tiso

This new EHRI Blog post, by Madeline Vadkerty, looks at letters written by Alžbeta Helena Donathová, a young Jewish-Slovak woman, to the president of Slovakia. They are an example of the thousands of letters asking for clemency from anti-Semitic measures during the Holocaust in Slovakia.

The post analyses the strategies in her appeal and looks at the information such entreaties reveal about how Jews experienced persecution in rural Slovakia. In doing so, the post also offers an insight into the collection of such appeals and entreaties to Slovak President Tiso, which is held at the Slovak National Archive.

Read the Document Blog Post

Image: Letter by Alžbeta Helena Donathová to president Jozef Tiso, September 26 1941. MV SR, SNA, f. KPR, a. box 144, file 1742.