The Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University is pleased to announce the 2016 Sharon Abramson Research Grant competition. Five grants of up to $4,000 will be awarded to support research related to the Holocaust of European Jewry. Graduate students in Ph.D. programs who have completed their qualifying exams and university/college faculty (at all levels), who teach about the Holocaust are eligible for this grant.
Latest News
10 Day Archival Seminar, 21-31 August 2016
Hosted by the Federal Archives, Berlin-Lichterfelde, Germany
In the framework of the EHRI-project, the German Federal Archives offer a ten day archival seminar under the title “Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust”. It aims at giving a thorough introduction into the handling of German records related to the Holocaust. The intended audience especially includes archival staff members (particularly from Eastern Europe) and Holocaust researchers who work with German archival records and would like to enlarge their knowledge on archival sources.
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee is pleased to present its Fellowship program. Two or three fellowships will be awarded each year to deserving scholars engaged in graduate level, post-doctoral, or independent study to conduct research in the JDC Archives, either in New York or Jerusalem. Research topics in the fields of twentieth century Jewish history, general history, and humanitarian assistance will be considered, as well as other areas of academic research covered in the JDC archival collections.
April 4-5 2016, Jerusalem
From the time they assumed power – and even beforehand – the Nazi regime's policy towards the Jews drew responses from both the Jewish and the non-Jewish world. Many aspects of the Nazi influence outside the areas over which they ruled have been addressed by scholars, but very little attention has been given to aspects related to the Middle East (aside from the Jewish settlement in the land of Israel and the Mufti of Jerusalem). The aim of this conference is to address various aspects of this neglected issue.
Reference Services: New Methods of Utilizing Holocaust Documentation and Resources
27-31 March 2016 l Location: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel
This seminar is organized in the framework of EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure)
We would like to invite those working in Reference Services with Holocaust Documentation to submit their application for the international EHRI seminar on Reference Services: New Methods of Utilizing Holocaust Documentation and Resources to be held at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, March 27-31, 2016.
The fifth Mnemonics: Network for Memory Studies summer school
June 2-4, 2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hosted by the Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory Studies (HGMS).
The theme of the 2016 event will be “The Other Side of Memory: Forgetting, Denial, Repression.” The keynote speakers will be Berber Bevernage (Ghent), Jodi A. Byrd (Illinois), and Françoise Vergès (Paris). Submissions are open to all graduate students interested in memory studies.
The University of Melbourne
Friday 7 October – Saturday 8 October 2016
Call for Papers
The plight of refugees has become the global issue of our times. The United Nations has estimated that over 59 million people worldwide are displaced as a result of conflict and persecution, the highest number since the 1990s.
Call for Applications
Greenberg Research Fellowship for PhD Candidates
The USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research invites research proposals from advanced standing Ph.D. candidates for its 2016-2017 Margee and Douglas Greenberg Research Fellowship.
14th, 15th, 16th and 17th February 2016
University of Teacher Education Lucerne (PH Luzern), Switzerland
This conference is the concluding event of IHRA's Education Research Project. The Education Research Project aims to provide an overview and a mapping of knowledge coming out of empirical research studies about teaching and learning about the Holocaust.
The Eleventh International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2016, will be held on June 13th-16th, 2016 in Dublin, Ireland. The organizers are pleased to issue this call for contributions to the program.
As previous Open Repositories have demonstrated, the use of digital repositories to manage research, scholarly and cultural information is well established and increasingly mature.