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Thursday, May 12th, 2016

19-29 July 2016, Universität Leipzig

This workshop is offered by the European Summer University in Digital Humanities, that takes place from 19-29 July 2016 in Leipzig.

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

In February 2016, EHRI has officially launched its helpdesk. Our new helpdesk system will ensure that all the queries we receive are promptly answered by an EHRI expert.

Questions that may be addressed to the EHRI helpdesk include general enquiries about the EHRI project and its services; questions and feedback about the information content available via the EHRI portal and the underlying physical collections; bug reports and other technical questions about the EHRI products such as the portal, the blog or the online courses, etc.

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

From the anti-Jewish Laws (racial laws) to the Shoah - Seven years in Italian History 1938-1945

An exhibition curated by the CDEC Foundation, on display at the new Shoah Memorial of Milan, February 2016

The exhibition

Dalle leggi antiebraiche alla Shoah - Sette anni di storia italiana 1938-1945’ (‘From the anti-Jewish Laws (Racial Laws) to the Shoah - Seven years in Italian History’ 1938-1945) is the title of the exhibition curated by EHRI partner, the CDEC Foundation, at the new Shoah Memorial of Milan last February.

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

On January 26, 2016, the permanent exhibition of the Sereď Holocaust Museum in Sereď, Slovakia was opened. It is the only museum of its kind in Slovakia.

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

Image: Usability test of the EHRI Portal

In May a report on a first usability and user experience evaluation of the EHRI portal will be published on the EHRI project website on the deliverables page. The EHRI portal was first launched in March 2015.

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

The EHRI document blog was launched online on January 27th this year. It was created as a space to share ideas about Holocaust-related archival material and to experiment with the interpretation of archive material using different digital tools, especially when it came to the presentation of information in a visual form.

EHRI partners and fellows will also have a chance to highlight their own research and digital content through the blog.

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Like all of EHRI, its Online Course in Holocaust Studies resulted from international collaboration. The idea for the course arose during the early planning stages for EHRI. In its summer schools, eventually held in 2013 and 2014, a variety of specialists from various countries would train a total of 48 people.

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Member of EHRI Working Groups 6. Coordination with Humanities Research Infrastructures and 9. New Methodologies, Data Identification and Integration. She is a researcher at the Jewish Museum of Greece.

In 2007 I started working as a researcher at the Jewish Museum of Greece and in 2010 I was appointed head of the museum's digital project "Judaica Europeana", a programme funded by the EU and in the framework of the European Union’s digitization programme eContentplus. The aim of the project was to bring together and connect museums, libraries, archives and institutions that hold important and/or original material related to Jewish history, culture and life in Europe.

Monday, April 25th, 2016

In its new phase, the EHRI project has 23 partners , of which 11 are new. In this article, one new partner, the Polish Center for Holocaust Research, introduces itself.

Article by Jakub Petelewicz

During the German occupation of Poland, the country became the stage for some of the worst atrocities of the Holocaust. It is estimated that nearly half of all of Europe’s Jews (and 90% of Poland’s own Jews) were killed during this horrific time.

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Call for Papers: International colloquium. Paris, March 23 and 24, 2017

The magnitude of the looting due to the Nazi forces during World War II was revealed at the Liberation. Operations aiming at localization, return, and restitution of looted cultural goods were begun, notably in Western Europe, while the Soviet victors - more often than others - reckoned that such goods were legitimate "war trophies" because of the suffering endured.