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Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

Wednesday 14 September 3:00 - 4:30 PM CET | Zoom

The next EHRI Webinar on Zoom puts the spotlight on Yerusha, a project closely related to EHRI. The Yerusha Project, a digital humanities initiative of the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe, creates an online hub of information regarding European Jewish archival heritage. A collaborative effort of European, US and Israeli academic and heritage institutions, Yerusha features over 12,000 in-depth archival descriptions held by 700 archives, libraries and museums of 27 countries. It gives researchers access to a wealth of records covering all major subjects of Jewish history. The material is continuously growing, and further thousands of descriptions will be added to the database in September. 

Thursday, August 25th, 2022

Application Deadline: 11 November 2022

The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (The Claims Conference) provides grant funds to European universities for the purposes of teaching Holocaust courses for one year and is currently seeking universities that are interested in creating a partnership for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Thursday, August 25th, 2022

Application Deadline: December 30, 2022 for the Fall 2023 - Summer 2024 Funding Year | Maximum Award Amount: $30,000 Per Year

The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) is offering a number of fellowships for Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral Candidates conducting Holocaust research.

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

This new Document Blogpost "Exploratory Topic Modelling in Python", written by Mike Bryant and Maria Dermentzi (KCL), explores a text mining technique called topic modelling in the context of a Holocaust-related archival collection. The post is accompanied by a Jupyter notebook which readers can use to reproduce the results of this experiment or to apply the same technique to other collections.

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

The Heritage Research Hub is a free and collaborative platform on and for the cultural heritage research community. Created and managed by the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH), it aims to share and inform the community about the current cultural heritage research panorama and all its related content (news, vacancies, training offer, funding and events). EHRI is pleased that it is now presented ont the Heritage Research Hub.

Monday, August 15th, 2022

Deadline for submission of applications: 15 September 2022


For a special edition of the Landecker Lecturer program the Alfred Landecker Foundation is pleased to invite applications from highly qualified postdocs with Ukrainian, Russian, or Belarusian citizenship (or long-time residents) in the humanities and social sciences, for a fulltime lecturer program set to begin in the 2023 academic summer semester.

The aim is to provide up to three lectureships. The selection process is led by the Alfred Landecker Foundation’s Academic Council.

Tuesday, July 19th, 2022

Initiatives in Accessibility to Holocaust Archival Sources and New Ways of Presenting Digital Archival Content

22-24 November 2022 | Location: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel | Submission Deadline: 1 September 2022

We would like to invite you to participate in an international workshop on initiatives in accessibility to Holocaust archival sources and new ways of presenting digital archival content, to be held at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, on 22-24 November 2022.

Tuesday, July 19th, 2022

A Multilevel Approach to the Holocaust in Romania: Research and Resources

November 2-4, 2022 | Deadline for submission: 22 August 2022 | Location: Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania, Bucharest, Romania

A Multilevel Approach to the Holocaust in Romania: Research and Resources is offered as part of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) project and is supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The methodological seminar is organized by the Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, both part of the EHRI Consortium.

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

By Michala Lônčíková, Masaryk Insitute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences

On June 22, the second EHRI Webinar was successfully organised by Work Package 10 (Thematic layers across collections). Our colleague Dorien Styven (Kazerne Dossin, Belgium) with the support of Wolfgang Schellenbacher (Vienna Wiesenthal Institute and Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes, Austria), both members of the EHRI-3 Consortium, presented the project Left Behind, focusing on the impact of forced labour by Organisation Todt on survival chances of Antwerp Jews.

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Small-scale European cooperation project “Houses of darkness

Dutch filmmaker Eline Jongsma grew up unaware that her great-grandfather was a Nazi-aligned mayor famous for his penchant for violence. Known as "Gekke Gerrit" ("Mad Gerrit), he was wiped from the family history after the war. But secrets can’t stay hidden forever, and in the animated Instagram documentary series His Name Is My Name, Jongsma and her partner Kel O’Neill unearth a history that is at once unique and universal. Equal parts detective thriller and personal essay, His Name Is My Name explores how the crimes of WWII-era perpetrators still reverberate through today’s society, shaking the foundations of our homes and our families.