Shoah Memorial, Paris
Frida Bertolini received her Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature from the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy, and a Master’s Degree in Contemporary History from the University Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna. Currently she is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of History, Anthropology and Geography at the University of Bologna, in co-tutorship with the University Paris X-Nanterre, France.
Her project analyses the relationship between history and memory of the Holocaust. For her EHRI fellowship, she is conducting research on ‘Forgery and Denial: Affaires, Historians and Public Opinion’.
Frida Bertolini has several publications to her name which include the following:
- ‘Gli eventi’, in: Marisa Carlà, Shoah z(Palermo: Palumbo Editore, 2009);
- ‘L’eredità dell’ultimo testimone’, Storia e Problemi Contemporanei, 51 (2009);
- ‘Geografie della memoria. I memoriali della Shoah in Europa e negli Stati Uniti’, Storicamente, 6 (2010) (;
- ‘La memoria di Auschwitz tra negazione e simulazione’ in Auschwitz. Prima e oltre. Nuovi conflitti e percorsi altri tra esclusione, identità e differenza (Bologna: Clueb, 2011);
- ‘L’affaire Wilkomirski’, in: Maria Pia Casalena Luoghi d’Europa. Spazio, Genere, Memoria (Archetipo Libri, 2011);
- ‘Un medico vittima delle leggi razziali’, Storia e Problemi Contemporanei, 57 (2011);
- The monograph Contrabbandieri di verità. La Shoah e la sindrome dei falsi ricordi (Bologna: Clueb, 2011).
Frida Bertolini may be contacted via e-mail at