EHRI Workshop Online Access of Holocaust Documents

From 6-8 June 2017, the international workshop “Online Access of Holocaust Documents: Ethical and Practical Challenges” took place in Bucharest, organized by the “Elie Wiesel” National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania within the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) program. The workshop objective was to facilitate a useful exchange of experience, knowledge, practices and views concerning the Holocaust research infrastructure with a focus on open access to documents.

During three days, professionals in Data Protection regulation, archivists, historians, researchers and experts in Digital Humanities, from archives, museums, and research institutions from the United States, Israel, and Europe contributed to a debate on the subject of open access to archives. They discussed how open access can be improved in the context of the digital era, the benefits and challenges, which are legal, practical and ethical, and what users may expect from the online accessibility of Holocaust documents.

The message of Mr. Alexandru Florian, director of  the “Elie Wiesel” Institute at the opening of the event.

The workshop program included visits to the National Archives of Romania and The National Council for the Study of Securitate’s Archives.