EHRI Regional Conference: Escape and Rescue Routes – France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy

Exile, Passages, Borders…1938-1944

One day Conference: 24th of September,2019, held at Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris, France

As part of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI), the Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris is organizing a study day devoted to “Escape and Rescue routes: France Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, and Italy: Exile, passages, borders … 1938-1944”. This day aims to promote the EHRI program, to make its activities better known as well as the results achieved since its establishment in 2012.

Providing a platform for researchers whose current or past work focuses on the themes of exile, rescue and border crossing, this conference will be an opportunity to emphasize and exchange on these topics. The presence of archivists and librarians, as well as museum curators whose collections are related to those subjects will bring new insights and will make it possible in particular to broach the issue of the difficulties which the researcher is confronted with, notably regarding the availability of sources.

In addition, this day of exchanges will be the opportunity to discover the program of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure and the help that this institution can provide for this type of transnational research, either through its documentary portal or the funding of research stays.

Practical information

This conference is open to researchers, students, museum curators, archivists, librarians, as well as anyone who has conducted this type of research in their personal capacity.

Papers for presentations, lasting up to 20 minutes, can be offered in English or French (translation guaranteed for these two languages).

To propose a presentation, please send a CV (max. 2 pages), a letter of motivation and a summary of the subject of the presentation. The travel and accommodation expenses of the selected speakers will be covered.

The deadline for submitting a paper is September 5th, 2019. Applications should be sent to: THIS CALL IS NOW CLOSED.

Open to the public upon registration and subject to availability.

Download the Call for Papers (in English and French)

Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash