EHRI Job Offer | Research Associate in Digital Humanities at King’s College London

Closing date: 9 April 2021

EHRI partner, King’s College London Department of Digital Humanities (KCL DDH) is seeking a Research Developer with experience in web application development and implementation of front-end web interfaces.

The Research Developer will work on EHRI, the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, a major European Commission funded research infrastructure project, now in its third four-year phase. EHRI’s main objective is to encourage and enable new research into the Holocaust by bringing together dispersed sources to enable users to search, browse and find archival descriptions, and by encouraging collaborative research through the development of online tools. To achieve this, twenty-six organisations including research institutions, libraries, archives, museums and memorial sites from countries work together in a consortium. Within the EHRI consortium, DDH is involved in several multi-partner work packages that are responsible for developing and maintaining the EHRI Portal, which provides Holocaust researchers with integrated access to dispersed archival sources, and a range of other integrated online tools including a WordPress-based blog and a platform enabling the publication of TEI-based digital editions.

The postholder will be a key technical member of the these work packages and will be responsible for the maintenance, development and documentation of the portal and other web tools, with a focus on user experience (UX) and visual design.

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