EHRI Holocaust Research Survey

Over a 100 people have already responded to our Holocaust Research Survey. If you have not yet completed our questionnaire, maybe you could raise the number and click on this link. We want to thank everbody who has already taken the time. Perhaps you could help us even more by telling your research friends or mention us on Twitter. Thanks!

We are conducting a quick survey in order to find out how Holocaust researchers discover and use information. The findings of our research will contribute to the specification of the planned digital infrastructure for Holocaust research at European level.

The full questionnaire consists of seventeen questions, with predefined choices. It should take you between 10-15 minutes to respond to all questions.

If you are a researcher working on a Holocaust-related topic please take the time to help us out!

You can fill out the EHRI Holocaust Research Questionnaire by clicking here.

Thank you for taking the time to respond!