Conference – Workshop – Fellowships | Women in the Holocaust International Study Center

Call for Papers International Conference on Women in the Holocaust | 10-12 October 2023, Belgrade, Serbia | Deadline for submission of proposals 28 February 2023

The Moreshet Mordechai Anielevich Memorial Holocaust Study and Research Center, Givat Haviva, Israel is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for its inaugural International Conference on Women in the Holocaust.

The conference will take place on the 10-12th of October 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. The working language of the conference will be in English.

Call for Papers

Call for Papers | Zoom Workshop | 26-27 June 2023 | Deadline 15 March 2023

The Women in the Holocaust International Study Centre (WHISC) at the Moreshet Anielevich Memorial Holocaust Study and Research Centre, Israel, invites applicants to contribute to a zoom meeting to plan a teaching program that focusses on women’s roles, and their fate, in the Holocaust. The meeting will be held over two days on 26th and 27th June 2023.

Call for Papers

Call for Submissions | The Women in the Holocaust – International Study Centre (WHISC) Israel, and the Claims Conference Scholarships for Outstanding Doctoral Students – Academic Year 2022-2023 | Deadline 1 February 2023

The International Research Center on the Fate of Women in the Holocaust in Moreshet, Israel, and the Claims Conference are pleased to announce that for the academic year 2022-2023, they will offer a doctoral fellowship to Ph.D. research students, writing a thesis on Women in the Holocaust. The Center welcomes applications from those involved in the study of Women in the Holocaust including those taking an interdisciplinary point of view.

Fellowships Call