Call for Proposals | Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)



The objective of this call for proposals is to support projects aimed at commemorating defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens of their common history, culture, cultural heritage and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance.

Policy initiatives supported:

  • EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism & Fostering Jewish Life (2021-2030)
  • EU anti-racism action plan for 2020-2025
  • EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation

Themes and priorities (scope)

Projects must address one (or both) of the following policy priorities set for 2022: 

1. Commemoration of and research and education about crimes committed under totalitarian regimes
2. Resistance, democratic transition and democratic consolidation in the EU


Please find more information here.

Submission deadline:

24 March 2022

17:00 CET