Antisemitism in Greece: Past and Present Trajectories Conference

Date: 7/8 July 2014
Conference venue: Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 16-18 (HBS), room 005, ground floor 

The Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung der TU Berlin, ZfA, together with the Centrum Modernes Griechenland, FU Berlin, CeMoG and the National Centre for Social Research Athen, EKKE, organise a conference on antisemitism in Greece, past and present trajectories.

Antisemitism expresses itself in different forms in today’s
Greece. Greek society has a long history of traditional or
modern expressions of hatred against Judaism and Jews.
The conference will discuss current research on the religious, political, economic, social, educational and popular
dimensions of the phenomenon. In five panel sessions different aspects of antisemitic stereotypes, resentments and
prejudices will be addressed.

For more information: Conference Antisemitism in Greece.

Registration: please email (not later than 01.07.2014).