Additional Call for EHRI Fellowship-Applications – Deadline: 31 August 2018

Additional Call for EHRI Fellowship-Applications – Deadline: 31 August 2018

We are delighted to announce an additional Call for Applications for EHRI Fellowships. We offer additional weeks of access at a limited number of EHRI institutions (see below). The deadline for applications is the 31 August 2018. Applicants will be notified during the second half of September.

Please note that Fellowships will have to be completed before the end of the EHRI project. The current end date of the project is 30 April 2019. However, an extension of the project to 31 August is currently under consideration. Successful candidates will be advised about the project’s effective end date as soon as possible.

The EHRI fellowships are intended to support and stimulate Holocaust research by facilitating international access to key archives and collections related to the Holocaust as well as archival knowhow. The fellowships intend to support researchers, archivists, curators, and younger scholars, especially PhD candidates with limited resources.

The fellowships are funded by the European Union under the rules of transnational access and are thus principally open to applicants working at institutions established in member (the EU-28) and associate states. By EU regulations, participation by Fellows working at institutions in third countries is limited to 20% of the total amount of units of access provided by EHRI. It is not possible to apply for a Fellowship at an institution in the same country where one works. Candidates from Central and Eastern Europe are especially encouraged to apply. EHRI aims at creating an equal opportunity environment and thus does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnic or national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation or disability.

Stipend and duration

EHRI fellowships include a stipend for housing and living expenses as well as travel to and from the inviting institution. These stipends follow the practices of the inviting institution or institutions. Recipients are responsible for securing visas if necessary.

Fellows will have access to the research infrastructure of the respective EHRI partner institution including access to a computer. The duration applicants can apply for is flexible – the minimum unit for stays is one week, while very long stays over 4-6 weeks overall will remain exceptional. The fellow may extend the stay at his/her own expense and in accordance with the host institution and visa regulations. Fellows will be expected to spend 3 days a week at the host institution to conduct research on their research project. Research at other institutions in the vicinity of the respective host is encouraged. At the end of the stay, a report will be required by each EHRI Fellow on the research conducted during the stay(s).

EHRI partner institutions

EHRI is offering additional Fellowships at one or more of the following EHRI partner institutions; each will be awarded on a competitive basis.


All application materials must be submitted in English. The application must include the following:

  • A completed application form.
  • A curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).
  •  A four to five page (1,250 to maximum 1,500 words) detailed research project proposal related to the Holocaust (including its antecedents and aftermath) that the applicant plans to undertake during the term of the fellowship as well as an explanation of which institution(s) an applicant wishes to apply to and why this choice fits the chosen research topic.
  • A letter of recommendation from a reputable academic who is familiar with the applicant’s work. A letter of recommendation should include evaluation of the applicant’s proposed research as well as the overall quality of the applicant’s work. The letter may be sent by email as a scan (including the recommenders signature and letterhead) with the application or directly by the recommender. The letter must be received before the application deadline.
  • Applicants must also designate a second recommender in the application form. The recommender may be contacted directly by EHRI.

All application material can be sent as an email attachment in DOC or PDF format to Please send all application material at one time. The submission deadline is 31 August 2018. Late submissions will not be considered.

After the EHRI staff has checked whether all proposals are complete and eligible, the proposals will be evaluated for scientific excellence by an independent panel of experts. The applied for duration of the Fellowships may be amended during the evaluation process. In cases of equal evaluation, shorter Fellowships have precedence (as they provide for a higher number of Fellows); the fact whether a Fellow had previous access to the institution or would not have access if not awarded the Fellowship will also be taken into account.