People in EHRI: Ján Hlavinka works for the Holocaust Documentation Center in Bratislava
A member of EHRI Working Groups on Dissemination (WP2) and New Methodologies, Data Identification and Integration (WP9), Ján Hlavinka is a researcher at the Holocaust Documentation Center as well as at the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovakia.
In 2002 I started my career as a researcher at the Museum of Slovak National Uprising in Banská Bystrica and couple of months later I moved to the Nations Memory Institute in Bratislava (2003-2008). There I co-developed and later led the project focusing on the documentation of the Holocaust. The project included the gathering of sources for later published databases as well as the academic research. In 2007 I published my first monograph focused on the victims of Holocaust from the district of Medzilaborce.
Since 2008 I have been working for the Holocaust Documentation Center in Bratislava and the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS). While at the Holocaust Documentation Center I deal mostly with the gathering and analyzing of sources, databases and the EHRI project. At the Institute of History of SAS I focus on academic research and publications. The primary topic of my research is the so called “Aryanization” of property.
For the EHRI project I mostly identify, collect and prepare data on Holocaust-relevant repositories and collections in Slovakia for the EHRI Portal. Besides that I help colleagues with the dissemination of information about the project and relevant activities in Slovakia.