Research Users Advisory Committee

Thanks to the many responses to our call in the EHRI Newletter of July 2011, we have been able to set up the Research Users Advisory Committee. Twenty researchers from sixteen different countries will provide feedback and comment on the User Requirements formulated for the EHRI-infrastructure. In the coming months the names and biographies of the members will be published on

The primary responsibility of the Committee members will be to provide focused feedback and comment on our approach and the outcomes of our work, and to contribute suggestions for the EHRI infrastructure.  For example, we might ask members to provide feedback on a survey questionnaire, or to comment on a prototype user interface.  Members may also be invited to join EHRI workshops or focus groups, although there will be no obligation to attend. Participation on the Committee will allow members to follow the EHRI project as it develops and, most importantly, to shape its direction by providing us with input about requirements and needs.

If you are you interested in the activities of the Research Users Advisory Committee, please contact Petra Links: