“Public Humanities” is the DARIAH Theme for 2016: Consortium Calls for Applications
DARIAH-EU funds initiatives exploring the topic “Public Humanities“, which is its thematic priority for this year. The consortium invites proposals to organise events related to this topic.
“Our Public Humanities call builds on last year’s call (Open Humanities), because it does not only promote better access to data and other digital resources but also to arts and humanities knowledge as a whole”, DARIAH-EU’s director Tobias Blanke describes the motivation for choosing “Public Humanities” as DARIAH Theme this year. Mike Mertens, CEO of DARIAH, says, “We think it is of great importance to engage the public, to offer opportunities for new skills and understanding based on digital arts and humanities research”.
Conferences, Workshops and Hackathons are supported
Supported events could either be larger conferences, a series of workshops or more interactive events, such as hackathons. Applications have to involve more than one DARIAH Member and “we expect that all theme-related activities also involve at least one outside organisation”, explains Tobias Blanke. The initiatives will be supported with a total of €45,000, and DARIAH-EU will support 3-4 initiatives.
The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 31st of March. Notification of successful applications will be made at the end of April, with projects to start no later than July.
The DARIAH Theme
Since 2015 DARIAH-EU’s Board of Directors sets an annual thematic priority, the DARIAH Theme. The idea is to stimulate activities and events related to a topic important to digitally enabled research in the arts and humanities.
“Open Humanities“: DARIAH’s Theme in 2015
The first DARIAH theme was “Open humanities”. DARIAH received ten proposals and decided to fund six projects. They were funded within the range of 5,000€ up to 10,000€.
For more information on this years Public Humanities Call and formal requirements to submit a proposal download the full DARIAH-EU Public Humanities Call from the DARIAH-EU website.