First EHRI Document Blog: Reports from the No Man’s Land

Making digital collections and archival material can be full of challenges. As more and more material becomes accessible online, it also means that archivists and historians have to think up new ways to help users get the most out of the information each document offers and to place the document into its complex historical context.

EHRI Document Blog

The EHRI blog aims to do just that. Taking it in turns, different institutes and fellows involved in the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) project will highlight a document from their collection, offering extra information about the people, places and events mentioned.

Experimental space

It is also an experimental space; we are investigating new ways to present and interpret documents using new online and digital tools that weren’t available to us just a short while ago. This means broadening our work and hopefully reaching a wider, more diverse audience, finding out as we progress what works and what doesn’t.

First Blog: Reports from the No Man’s Land

The first EHRI Document Blog is written by Michal Frankl, Deputy Director of the Jewish Museum in Prague and Visiting Fellow at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. It is called Reports from the No Man’s Land and tells a story about a topic that is as relevant today as it was in 1938: the fate of refugees caught between different European states. The blog uses several documents to reconstruct the events and has an interactive map that helps to envision what happened.

Read the EHRI Document Blog