People in EHRI: Anne Langer, Co-Organises EHRI’s Final Launch Event

Assistant at the Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin

I started as a student research assistant at the Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (Stiftung Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas) where I was involved with developing and organising several exhibitions. In November 2013 our foundation opened a bilingual exhibition on Jewish life and its destruction in the Prussian provinces of Hanover and East Prussia. The opening event took place in two cities at the same time: German Lüneburg and Russian Kaliningrad.

Just the right event

Due to my activities at the Foundation I was of course very curious to get involved with EHRI. I find being part of the project very exciting as EHRI’s big final launch event will take place in Berlin in spring 2015. It is a great pleasure and honour that this important event will happen in ‘our’ city Berlin. In short, my aim is to organise just the right event for all the guests from many different countries.
Apart from the final launch I am preparing an EHRI workshop on ‘Personal data of Holocaust victims’ together with Yad Vashem, which again will take place in Berlin, in October this year.

Positive experience

Working on EHRI is a very positive experience to me because I get to know the work of many different institutions that deal with Holocaust related topics – research institutions, memorial places, museums… Not least I like being a part of EHRI due to the very nice and open colleagues from all over Europe and beyond that I meet in conference calls and sometimes even face to face.

If I am not searching for the perfect venue for the EHRI launch event, I love to discover Berlin’s theatre scene, its cinemas and great concert places.