Call for Papers: Early Attempts at the Historical Documentation of the Holocaust

EHRI would like to invite you to an international workshop on Early Attempts at the Historical Documentation of the Holocaust, to be held at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Budapest, Hungary on November 27-28, 2012. The overall objective of the EHRI experts’ workshops is to generate a creative exchange of knowledge and views between experts in various methodological subfields of Holocaust research and documentation.  

Participants are invited to present their findings pertaining to the early attempts to document the mass destruction of European Jews during WWII in a comparative perspective.

Proposals are now invited for individual presentations or participation in round tables.

Read more about the workshop and participation >> Call for Papers

The workshop is planned to coincide in topic and timing with the anual Simon Wiesenthal Conference of EHRI partner the Wiener Wiesenthal Institute (VWI) entitled Before the Holocaust had Its Name. Early Confrontations of the Nazi Mass Murder of the Jews, taking place in Vienna on November 29 – December 1, 2012 >>