Call for Applications EHRI Seminar | Citizen Science in the Archival Domain

A Hands-On Seminar on Implementing Crowdsourcing Projects for Micro-Archives

November, 25-28, 2024 | Location: Arolsen Archives – International Center on Nazi Persecution | Bad Arolsen, Germany | Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2024

Crowdsourcing can be an ideal way for institutions with archival collections to enrich their holdings, working with the public to, e.g., identify places and people in photographs, transcribe documents, or obtain other information that will make the collections more accessible. Archives can also gain greater public attention through crowdsourcing. That said, it can also be rather daunting to set out on a crowdsourcing project, particularly for smaller institutions.

EHRI partner Arolsen Archives – International Center on Nazi Persecution, the leading institution related to documenting National Socialist persecution and the liberated survivors, has significant experience in successfully planning and managing crowdsourcing projects such as #everynamecounts and will also host this event.

The seminar is open to anyone interested in learning about the opportunities of crowdsourcing for Holocaust-related archival projects. In line with EHRI’s current focus of working with micro-archives, we particularly welcome non-professional curators holding micro-archival collections.

EHRI Seminar at the German Federal
Archives September 2023

One of EHRI’s key endeavours is to link archival institutions, increase the visibility of Holocaust-related archival collections and improve access to them.

During this hands-on seminar, participants will benefit from the experiences of the Arolsen Archives and develop joint projects. In several practical sessions, they will learn how to prepare, launch, and run crowdsourcing projects on Zooniverse, the world’s biggest research crowdsourcing platform.

Participants will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their archival projects and related challenges within the group and with renowned experts in the field.

What to expect from the seminar:

  • Discussion of participants’ archival projects
  • Theoretical and practical sessions on developing and maintaining citizen science projects on Zooniverse
  • Community building and digitization opportunities in the aftermath of the event
  • Excellent networking opportunities
  • An introduction to EHRI’s services, activities, and developments
  • Guided tours through the Arolsen Archives and Bad Arolsen

The seminar will be held in English. Please note that since participants will be dealing with sources and collections written in German, solid comprehensive skills in German are mandatory.

EHRI will cover travel expenses and accommodation.

Please include the following in your application:

  • A completed application form
  • A letter of motivation (maximum 500 words)
  • A curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages)

Please submit the completed application material as a single PDF or DOC file, and any accompanying questions, by 31 August 2024 to the email address

Image thanks to Zooniverse