Inka Engel

Dr. Inka Engel. works as a science manager at the transfer team at the University of Koblenz. She studied teaching and education and taught at various schools and universities. She is still doing school research and university projects, among others: BEFEM, StaAfrica, Grübama.

She finished her Master Thesis in Holocaust communication and tolerance (Touro University Berlin) with a research project on Holocaust survivors from Ukraine and the differences in Culture of Remembrance.

Since 2018 she has been responsible for projects and events in the field of Holocaust research #weitergedenken and for a better, even utopian, world, for example:

  • the lecture and discussion series “We are democracy” with Holocaust survivors from Ukraine;
  • Holocaust film days in Koblenz. Organisation and moderation, in cooperation with KinoCenter Apollo
  • the “Ringvorlesung”: “Enemy analyses. On the Germans – from the estate of Herbert Marcuse“.

She is currently working on a project at Touro University, funded by the Foundation “Erinnerung, Verantowrtung und Zukunft” (EVZ), on compensation payments and their effect as reparation. She is interviewing Holocaust survivors from Germany and Ukraine. This includes: “Exhibition and vernisagge. In the mirror of human rights and the constitution: the reality and claim of equality. Exhibition by the artist Antje Wichtrey”. 

She was also involved in the exhibition “Treblinka gedenken in Berlin” (Museum Chatlottenburg-Willmersdorf). And in the exhibition “The Luftwaffe in the Third Reich” (MHM Gatow).

Latest publications

  • 11/2023 “Reappraisal of forced labour for the Luftwaffe after the Second World War” In: Grimme, Karin H.; Horn, Stephan; Lehnstaedt, Stephan: The Luftwaffe in the “Third Reich
  • 10/2023: “Leo Löwenthal and Herbert Marcuse: Analysis of the Enemy and Volumes from the Marcuse Archive” In: Aubert, I., Nobre, M. (eds) The Archives of Critical Theory. Springer.
  • 10/2023: Selected texts of Herbert Marcuse Leo Löwenthal, Critical Theory in Motion.
  • 04/2023: “Die Quintuple helix as a model for transfer in the (organisational) Pädagogik” In Tamara Diederichs & Anna Katharina Desoye (eds.): Transfer in Pedagogy and Educational Science. Between science and practice.
  • 03/2023: “Kulturelle Heterogeneity as a learning opportunity – integration of refugees through sport. Integration of refugees through sport-Mentoring” In Pusch, B. & Fitz-Klausner, S. (eds.), Heterogeneity and diversity in medium sized cities: the example of Landau in der Pfalz. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • 01/2023: “Career jumpers on their way to teacher professionalism. Challenges and opportunities based on different working backgrounds” In Michelle Proyer, Sabine Krause, Gertraud Kremsner (eds): Making of a Teacher in the Age of Migration – Recognition of Recognition of Internationally Acquired Teaching Competences Through a Hegemonic Lense. Bloomsbury: London.