Next EHRI Webinar 25 Oct. | Warsaw Online Database “”

Join the webinar on October 25, 3:00 PM CET, free and without registration.

In 2004, the Polish Center for Holocaust Research created a free online database with all the information on each known resident of the Warsaw Ghetto.

The main goal of this project was to use all information from a variety of published and some unpublished sources (diaries, testimonies, official documents, lists etc.) from many archives and gather it in one place, making it accessible and useful to other researchers, educators and the general public.

The collected data was entered into the database, searchable along nominative, event-based and theme-oriented lines. Each record contains short information and a bibliographical reference to the source material.

Since 2017, the database has been expanded to contain all the information about Jews outside the ghetto and in hiding during the German occupation of the ‘Aryan’ side of Warsaw. Furthermore, verified and analyzed data were connected to an interactive and modal cartographic tool, which helped make an interactive map of Jews in Warsaw during WW2.

In recent years approximately 120,000 records were entered to the database, which is now a primary internet source for everyone looking for information about the Warsaw Ghetto and Jews in Warsaw. The records are used every day by researchers, genealogists and the general public.

In this webinar, Agnieszka Haska and Jakub Petelewicz, from the Polish Center for Holocaust Research, will give a presentation about the scholarly goals as well as the methodological and technical challenges of creating the database. They will answer questions, such as:

  • What kind of information can you find there?
  • How can you use the data and cartographic tools?
  • What are the new methodological approaches to Holocaust research that could be applied thanks to
  • How can historic knowledge be converted into an easily accessible educational tool?


Agnieszka Haska – cultural anthropologist and sociologist working at the Polish Center for Holocaust Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Author of books “I am a Jew, I want to come in. Hotel Polski in Warsaw, 1943” (2006) and “Dishonor. Stories about Polish treason” (2018), many articles and an editor of wartime diaries and documents. Researcher and assistant coordinator in the database project.

Jakub Petelewicz – historian, academic secretary of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Managing editor for journal “Zaglada Zydow. Studia i Materialy” (“Holocaust. Studies and Materials”). Executive Board Member of the Forum for Dialogue. Coordinator of the IT and cartographic department in the database project.

Join the webinar on October 25, free and without registration:

Topic: EHRI Webinar
Time: Oct 25, 2023 03:00 PM (CET)

Click here for joining the webinar on 25 October at 3:00 PM CET:

Meeting ID: 882 9572 6061
Passcode: 640356