Invitation Workshop MuRem Project | Resistance, Memory Politics and the Presence of War
Workshop on Multiperspectivity in the Remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
10-12 May 2023 | Location: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland
Multi-Perspective Holocaust Remembrance in Contemporary Europe (short: MuRem) – coordinated by the Berlin-based NGO Minor – is to build a network and strengthen multiperspectivity and interdisciplinarity in European Holocaust Education by taking into account the diversity of memory cultures and their consequences for the present. Therefore, we bring together representatives from different European institutions in the field of Holocaust Education and Remembrance in workshops and online events.
The focus of our workshop in Warsaw, is on multiperspectivity in the context of the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and in the shadow of the war in Ukraine. Together with local Holocaust educators and participants from around Europe we approach the following subjects:
- Possible new perspectives on the history/remembrance of the Holocaust in the context of the remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- Remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in past and present
- The remembrance of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against the backdrop of the ongoing war in Ukraine, and in the context of current forms of persecution and discrimination
- Possibles influences of the war in Ukraine on educational work on the Holocaust
Image: Warsaw 1939/2019. Film Still from „Escape to Vilnius – The Journalist Train“, Schuldenberg Films, 2019. © Minor