Call for Applications EHRI and CLARIN Workshop | Making Holocaust Oral Testimonies More Usable as Research Data

King’s College London, UK | 15-17 May 2023 | Deadline for Applications: 24 March 2023

The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) and the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN) are combining their expertise to explore Oral Testimonies of the Holocaust in a Hackathon to be held at King’s College London, Monday 15th – Wednesday 17th May 2023 inclusive.

Making Holocaust Oral Testimonies more usable as Research Data’ will be a practical, hands-on event where curators of oral history recordings, Holocaust researchers, digital humanists and language technologists will get together to work on making oral testimony recordings more usable as research data.

This workshop will work on a small number of Holocaust testimony recordings, with an aim to establish a usable and reproducible workflow and toolchain to progress from digital recordings to transcribed and annotated datasets. The workshop will also focus on the challenges of dealing with geodata from Holocaust testimonies.

The workshop will conclude on Wednesday with a strategic session to explore continued future cooperation between the EHRI and CLARIN infrastructures. We anticipate that the languages covered will include English, German, Italian, Czech, Polishand Slovak. The workshop will take place over three days, with a series of hands-on sessions where members of both the EHRI and CLARIN infrastructures will work with workshop participants to concentrate on issues centered around the following areas and the specifics of their application in the field of the Holocaust Studies:

  • Cleaning data
  • Automatic speech recognition
  • Time alignment
  • Overlapping speech
  • Language identification
  • Translation
  • Lemmatization
  • Named entity recognition
  •  Automatic keyword extraction
  • Summarization
  • Metadata extraction
  • Word-class (part of speech) annotation
  • Normalisation of non-standard features
  • Parallel alignment of non-standard features
  • Making text transcription more searchable and usable

If you would be interested in attending this workshop, please apply using the link below by Friday 24th March.

Application Form

Travel and accommodation costs will be covered for invited attendees and successful applicants. We will inform you of the outcome of your application by the end of March.