New Release EHRI Podcast | A Box with Old Gramophone Discs Dusted Off

Release date: 8 December 2022 More about the Podcast Series For the Living and the Dead. Traces of the Holocaust

In this EHRI Podcast episode, we will talk about the unique discovery of 33 vinyl discs, a hidden treasure in the archive of the Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center, CDEC, in Milan. The discs contain recordings of interviews given in 1955 by six of the sixteen survivors of the rounding up of the Jews of Rome on 16 October 1943, the infamous “Black Saturday”. One of the testimonies is by Cesare and Lello Di Segni, father and son, who gave account of how they survived the Holocaust.

These very early testimonies of the Holocaust were found by accident by Laura Brazzo, head of the Archive and Digital Library of the CDEC Foundation.

Featured guest: Laura Brazzo, Head of the Archive and Digital Library, CDEC Foundation, Milan, Italy. Podcast host is Katharina Freise.

Laura will tell the story of Cesare and Lello Di Segni and how she rediscovered their voices on the lost records. Listen to the episode here or in your preferred podcast app (BuzzsproutSpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts):

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