EHRI Partners | International Conference: Operation Reinhardt and the Destruction of Polish Jews

27-29 November 2022, | POLIN Museum, Warsaw, Poland | Admission free

The conference, organized to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Reinhardt, seeks to present the newest research on the Holocaust in Poland. Although the Nazi operation to exterminate Jews in German-occuppied central Poland between 1942–1943 remains the primary focus, the organisers are interested in the wider process of the destruction of Jews from 1941 until 1945 within the territory of the pre-war Second Polish Republic.

Conference organizers:

The conference will be held on site at the POLIN Museum in Warsaw. Should this not be possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic, then the conference will be held either entirely online or in a hybrid format. Details will be announced well in advance.

Register your participation

Researchers from Poland and abroad are invited to participate in the conference. Papers may be presented in Polish or in English. Applications in English should be sent via the online form.

For additional details about the conference and registration, please see the Call for Papers.

Visit the conference webpage