New EHRI Document Blog | Polish-Jewish Industrialists and Their Links to Loved Ones

An Analysis of the Correspondence of Dr Joseph Thon | Invitation to Polish speaking scholars

The latest EHRI Document Blog Post, wiritten by Charlie Knight, contextualises the correspondence between the representative of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva, Joseph Thon, and five Polish citizens forced to flee to England in 1939-1940. By looking into the specific connections and relationships that joined the refugees, the post analyses how they exercised their connection with Joseph Thon in Geneva to procure information on, and support for, their families and friends in Poland.

The post also invites Polish speaking scholars to do further research on the letters in the Abraham Silberschein deposit at Yad Vashem to create a fuller picture of Thon’s activities in Geneva and the networks which existed.

Visit the blog post

Image: Letter from Celina Sokolow to Joseph Thon discussing how Thon can help Celina’s nephew Stefan, 26th April 1940. Yad Vashem Documents Archive, M.20/241/47.