IHRA Toolkit against Holocaust Distortion: Take Action to Protect the Legacy of the Holocaust

IHRA Toolkit Against Distortion

Holocaust distortion is the greatest contemporary threat to the legacy of the Holocaust. It harms our democracies, normalizes antisemitism and fuels extremism. But despite the danger it poses, Holocaust distortion is often overlooked and rarely leads to concrete action.

To honour International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) has launched a Toolkit Against Holocaust Distortion.

This new IHRA Toolkit provides concrete suggestions and practical guidance for how to use key resources to help understand, raise awareness and counter Holocaust distortion.

It provides policy makers, civil society representatives and further stakeholders with practical tools, guidance and example activities to empower them to be ambassadors for change – in their institutions, governments, and communities.

The materials, including online campaigns, explanatory films, publications and policy recommendations, can inspire or be incorporated into activities and programs around 27 January and beyond. 

HERE ARE THREE THINGS YOU CAN DO AROUND 27 JANUARY (click on the images to read more):