Simon Wiesenthal Prize | Call for Applications 2021

The National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism, established at the Parliament, announces the Simon-Wiesenthal-Prize for the first time in 2021. The prize is intended to honour the memory of the architect, publicist and writer Simon Wiesenthal, who fought tirelessly throughout his life against indifference to the crimes of National Socialism. The Simon-Wiesenthal-Prize is intended to spur many people and organisations to raise their voices and follow this example.

The Prize

The Simon Wiesenthal Prize awards annually up to three individuals or groups of individuals as a distinction for their special civil society commitment to combating antisemitism and raising awareness about the Holocaust. The prize is endowed each year with a total of € 30,000 and is awarded in two categories:

▪ civil society commitment against antisemitism (€ 7,500)
▪ civil society commitment to education about the Holocaust (€ 7,500)

In addition, a main prize – endowed with € 15,000 – is awarded for special civil society commitment against antisemitism and/or for education about the Holocaust.


The proposed awardee‘s work must centre on a particular civil society commitment to combating antisemitism and/or educating people about the Holocaust.
Specific criteria for receiving the award include:

▪ active participation in a civil society project against antisemitism;
▪ active critical engagement with antisemitism;
▪ special commitment to education about the Holocaust and its consequences;
▪ the commitment to measures that counteract antisemitism.

The aim of the work of the potential award winners is to communicate actively, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about the Holocaust, increase understanding in society of the mechanisms and consequences of antisemitism, and raise awareness about the contemporary dangers of antisemitism. In particular, sensitivity and understanding are to be created where a critical attitude toward antisemitism is to be especially promoted.


The jury of the Simon Wiesenthal Prize is composed of recognised personalities from public or cultural life in Austria or abroad as well as persons with an academic reputation in the field of contemporary history or in another relevant branch of science. In addition, the President of the Jewish Religious Community in Austria and a representative of Simon Wiesenthal‘s family are part of the jury.

Application process

Individuals and/or groups of individuals or initiatives from Austria and abroad can be nominated or apply via the website by uploading the application documents.

Applications must be submitted electronically by September 30, 2021

After the end of the call for applications, the jury will evaluate the applications within four weeks and will submit a proposal for the award winners to the Board of Trustees of the National Fund. Based on the jury‘s proposal, the Board of Trustees will decide on the award winners, who will be
honoured at a ceremony in the Austrian Parliament.

Detailed information on the prize, the conditions of participation and the application form are available at: