International Holocaust Remembrance Day: EHRI partner’s activities
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day we commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz on 27 January 1945 and the millions of victims of the Holocaust. EHRI aims to play a vital role in the future of Holocaust research, commemoration and education by providing essential tools and research. Survivors of the Holocaust to testify are dwindling in number and the time will come when we will be without anyone who can speak directly from experience about these critical events. We can never replace the survivors, but we can honour and remember them by continuing to improve access to Holocaust sources. EHRI is dedicated to this task.
Several partners of EHRI are organizing activities within the context of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Information regarding these activities can be found below.
- The Bundesarchiv and the Freundschaftskreis Koblenz – Petah Tikva invite the public on 4 February to watch the documentary “Kinder der Exodus” and discuss it with the director of the film (in German language only). The film deals with the fate of children that were onboard the refugeeship “Exodus” heading to Israel with several thousands survivors of the Holocaust. More information about this event and how to register can be found on the website of the Bundesarchiv.
- The Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea (CDEC) organizes several activities:
- BENEVENTO – Museo del Sannio, 25 January – 9.30am. Opening of the exhibition “The Persecution of the Jews in Italy between 1938 and 1945”. Conference of Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Director of CDEC Foundation: “The Italian law against Jews in 1938: historical context and consequences”. The event is organized with the cooperation of the Ministero dell’Interno among the events of the Committee for Commemoration of the Shoah instituted by the Presidenza del Consiglio.
- RIMINI – Museo della Città, Via L. Tonini 1, 25 January – 5.30pm. Opening of the exhibition “The Persecution of the Jews in Italy between 1938 and 1945”. The exhibition will be open until 3 March 2019.
- MILAN – Via Eupili, 27 January – 3.00pm. A plaque will be discovered in Via Eupili in remembrance of the Hebrew schools. Click here for the Facebook event.
- MILAN – Sala Verdi del Conservatorio di Milano, via Conservatorio, 12, 27 January – 8.00pm. An annual event to commemorate the Shoah. This event is a tribute to Primo Levi at his 100th birthday. With the participation of Geppi Cucciari. Concert | L. Bernstein, Chichester Psalms. Director | Carlo Emilio Tortarolo. Click here for the Facebook event.
- The Holocaust Documentation Centre in Bratislava is organizing some special events within the context of of International Holocaust Day in Slovakia:
- A public lecture and discussion: “Vyhladzovací tábor v Sobibore” (“Extermination camp in Sobibor”) 27 January, Bratislava – Ján Hlavinka
- A lecture for high school students: “Holokaust na Slovensku: Tragédia, ktorá otriasla spoločnosťou (“Holocaust in Slovakia: The Tragedy that Shook Society”) – in cooperation with the University Library in Bratislava, 24 January, Bratislava – Michala Lônčíková
- A discussion “Ľudia píšu Tisovi… o židovskej otázke” (“People are writing to Tiso… about the Jewish Question”) with American researcher Madeline Vadkerty, who is writing a book about the letters which were sent to President Jozef Tiso and asking for “exception” from the racial laws – co-organized with the American Embassy in Slovakia, Community of Slovak Writers and the Museum of Slovak National Uprising, 24 January, Banská Bystrica.
- Announcement of a student´s essay contest “Susedia, na ktorých sme nezabudli” (“Neighbors who are not forgotten”), – co-organized with publicist Ľuba Lesná and ICEJ Slovakia (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Slovakia), 27 January.
- Kazerne Dossin in Antwerp organizes the screening of the film Cuba’s Forgotten Jewels: A Haven in Havana on 27 January with a debate afterwards. More information can be found here. On 24 January senior researcher Laurence Schram gave a speech for the members of the Belgian parliament in the context of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
- Yad Vashem has an extensive program surrounding International Holocaust Remembrance Day, an overview can be found here. Also, Yad Vashem and Facebook Israel have joined together in a project to promote Holocaust commemoration on social media.
- The Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw is organizing a special screening of the film Who Will Write Our History on 27 January. After the film they will be streaming a meeting with the film’s creators from Paris.
- The Jewish Museum of Greece is coordinating educational programs and guided tours on 27 January. The tours are based both on the new temporary exhibition entitled “The Good Shepherds. Metropolitans and Chief Rabbis in the Face of the Holocaust” and on the WWII and the Holocaust of the Greek Jews info kiosk. More information can be found on their website.
- The Mémorial de la Shoah will organize a series of events on 27 January: from lectures about Simone Veil, to the screening of “Who will write our history’ of Roberta Grossman, and a guided tour of the memorial given by students.