Publication: Holocaust Research and Archives in the Digital Age

PUBLICATION: Holocaust Research and Archives in the Digital Age, edited by Laura Brazzo and Reto Speck. New Issue of the journal “Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History”

A special issue of the journal Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History devoted to the theme “Holocaust Research and Archives in the Digital Age” has recently been published. Guest edited by Reto Speck and Laura Brazzo it features articles by Conny Kristel, Tobias Blanke and Michal Frankl about EHRI’s contribution to the digital transformation of Holocaust research and archives, as well as contributions from the wider Holocaust archive and research communities that critically engage with the impact of digital technologies upon the field.

The issue as a whole therefore situates EHRI’s work within a larger context, and provides a concise overview of recent developments in areas such as new methodological approaches to the analysis of Holocaust sources; digital information and knowledge representation; and new models of collaboration between researchers, archivists and the general public in the production and dissemination of knowledge about the Holocaust. The special issue is published as open access and is available via the QUEST website at

Image: EHRI Document Blog